rosiechambers1 25th April 2017

You're with us ne... I feel like I'm letting you down because I can't make the words come right enough to talk. Can't write. But I know you know. The ache in my chest is just getting worse by the day. We love you and haven't missed anyone more! Our beautiful Dené, the spirit of the family. Each day things get harder without you here, helping me through and focusing me again through the BS i sometimes created. You really knew me... Was easier to communicate with you, now i feel like i cant speak properly haha. Like no other friend i have ever had the priviedge to spend all those ywars with... this worlds a lonelier place without you round the corner with all that love seeping out the door before i even touched the handle. i knew youd be just waiting on the other side smiling at me... Sitting in your house for the last time trying to say goodbye and in every room the memories that echo fill my heart with love and pride. Even the journey before the house... I just can't believe you won't come through the threshold once more showing me a video or a song, or jumping on top of me in fits of cuddles. It's hard to process this. I don't think we have ever felt such a hole in our unit... But I don't think we have ever felt so much overwhelming appreciation, grief, unity, loss, memories, anger, happiness, sadness, pride, confusion... You name it ne we are feeling it. But the one emotion that over rides all of them... Is the love you gave. And man you gave us all enough to last a lifetime. The love overrides all Ne. I'll forever love you, and you'll always be my ride or die, sister... You'll always be my best friend. I'll never find another like you. Heartbroken. WE MISS YOU OUR BEAUTIFUL DENE MARLEY DORLING BARRETT FOREVER LOVE Xxxxxxx