- 17th March 2021

I miss you Dené. I hope you would of realised back then your limitless power 🌹 your mind your face just every singleeee thing about you. you could turn the desert into a sea of water, dirt into gold, the sky into a cinema.. would have an emotionally whole, healthy! balanced! mutually fortifying and nurturing relationship 💔 just perfectly in alignment . why oh why oh why oh whyyyy words are just fucking spells 😡 I miss you so much the way we connected goes deeper then anyone could ever fathom I saw you in the astral I am forever grateful. We’ve all got our demons and in order to make them bearable is sharing them with somebody, otherwise they’ll drag you right down below where they reside. You was that comforting person for everybody! Dene Marley 🦋-the 1 & only.