Miss you always pie....everything is so frustrating and hopeless without you here by my side. Constantly trying to find the strength to keep on keeping on when it feels like everything is going in the opposite direction. I just know that if you were here it would all be so much easier to handle...i'd have my reason for being here, instead i'm trying to find reasons but so many obstacles.....i know you want me to be happy and to keep your boy safe, but i can't pie, this world is not set up for looking out for nice people and protecting children. Nothing changes, no one learns shit. its all fucking pointless....i'm holding it together for what? cos one day i'm going to blow and fuck taking any responsibility for that shit...no one else bothers, tired of being nice, doing the right thing...when so many people just don't give a fuck. Man, i need a hug, i need a conversation, i need to hear your voice, see your face, hold your hand....i just need you :( love you more than all the stars in the universe and to the moon and back. stay close pie xxxxx